Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Guest Post: Soothing the Writer by Ana Rios

Ana V. Rios is a Human Resources professional with a passion for writing. She is a person who enjoys helping people and enjoys sharing what she knows and learns. Her writing journey began almost a year ago and her aspiration is to become a published author of a romantic suspense novel. In her blog, The Writer Today, she writes about her experiences, ideas, writing resources and anything that is relevant to writing or that she connects with.

“To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul, to do this , you need to experience solitude…because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solution.” – Deepak Chopra

Getting “in touch with your soul”, through solitude, is one of the best ways a writer can “recharge” the muse within. We are the main character in our own lives, with all its plot twists and turns. It is in our power to make and change our own path, to write and rewrite our direction and go somewhere new. We need to be our biggest fan. “I write because I can” is my new motto. I feel that writers are so busy taking care of other people and things that they do not take the time to take care of themselves and this causes burn out, writer’s block and a lack of purpose. In order to avoid this, I made a list of some things that can be soothing to the writer and allow for more energy, more of an open mind, and of course, more writing.

Find a place for solitude – and use it for reflection, relaxation and inner peace

Get as much rest as possible

Destress with meditation and/or Yoga

Surround yourself with people that give you comfort when you need it

Seek inspirational and motivational resources

Simplify your life whereever and whenever possible

Let your writing place have everything you need to create

Have things soothing to the senses: aromatherapy lotions, candles, music

Be good to yourself – you deserve it

“I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love, and abundance. Then, whenever doubts, anxiety or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal-and soon they forget my number.” – Edith Armstrong

What else can you think of that would be soothing to a writer?


  1. Thank you so much for allowing me to do this guest post on your wonderful blog! Ana, The Writer Today.

  2. Ana--My pleasure, and thank you so much for agreeing to it! I'm looking forward to posting on The Writer Today, as well!
