Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Summer Resolution

Most people associate resolutions with New Year's Day, but I find that I have a harder time being productive during the lazier summer months. So I'm going to make a resolution to be both more proactive and productive until the busier fall season rolls around. How do I intend to do that? Below are a few ideas up my sleeve:

Blog. 'Nuff said. That was one of the main reasons why I started this blog--to keep me writing!

Journal. Call it a blog in hard copy. I've been very sporadic with my journaling. I'm teaching a workshop in Personal Essays Through Journaling later this summer, so I'm making a concerted effort at getting back to this. It's true what they say--it's therapeutic.

Queries. Most writers slow it down during the summer, so it's the perfect chance for those of us who will not be slowing it down (not...not!) to get those pitches into the hands of editors. I got a jump start and send out a few last week. No bites yet, but I'm trying to be optimistic. Sending out queries regularly is just good practice.

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